




1. 适用范围

(a) 在您注册留联网帐号时,您根据留联网要求提供的个人注册信息;

(b) 在您使用留联网网络服务,或访问留联网平台网页时,留联网自动接收并记录的您的浏览器和计算机上的信息,包括但不限于您的IP地址、浏览器的类型、使用的语言、访问日期和时间、软硬件特征信息及您需求的网页记录等数据;

(c) 留联网通过合法途径从商业伙伴处取得的用户个人数据。


(a) 您在使用留联网平台提供的搜索服务时输入的关键字信息;

(b) 留联网收集到的您在留联网发布的有关信息数据,包括但不限于参与活动、成交信息及评价详情;

(c) 违反法律规定或违反留联网规则行为及留联网已对您采取的措施。

2. 信息使用

(a) 留联网不会向任何无关第三方提供、出售、出租、分享或交易您的个人信息,除非事先得到您的许可,或该第三方和留联网(含留联网关联公司)单独或共同为您提供服务,且在该服务结束后,其将被禁止访问包括其以前能够访问的所有这些资料。

(b) 留联网亦不允许任何第三方以任何手段收集、编辑、出售或者无偿传播您的个人信息。任何留联网平台用户如从事上述活动,一经发现,留联网有权立即终止与该用户的服务协议。

(c) 为服务用户的目的,留联网可能通过使用您的个人信息,向您提供您感兴趣的信息,包括但不限于向您发出产品和服务信息,或者与留联网合作伙伴共享信息以便他们向您发送有关其产品和服务的信息(后者需要您的事先同意)。

3. 信息披露


(a) 经您事先同意,向第三方披露;

(b) 为提供您所要求的产品和服务,而必须和第三方分享您的个人信息;

(c) 根据法律的有关规定,或者行政或司法机构的要求,向第三方或者行政、司法机构披露;

(d) 如您出现违反中国有关法律、法规或者留联网服务协议或相关规则的情况,需要向第三方披露;

(e) 如您是适格的知识产权投诉人并已提起投诉,应被投诉人要求,向被投诉人披露,以便双方处理可能的权利纠纷;

(f) 在留联网平台上创建的某一交易中,如交易任何一方履行或部分履行了交易义务并提出信息披露请求的,留联网有权决定向该用户提供其交易对方的联络方式等必要信息,以促成交易的完成或纠纷的解决。

(g) 其它留联网根据法律、法规或者网站政策认为合适的披露。

4. 信息存储和交换


5. Cookie的使用、第三方SDK清单

5.1 Cookie的使用

(a) 在您未拒绝接受Cookie的情况下,留联网会在您的计算机上设定或取用Cookie,以便您能登录或使用依赖于Cookie的留联网平台服务或功能。留联网使用Cookie可为您提供更加周到的个性化服务,包括推广服务。

(b) 您有权选择接受或拒绝接受Cookie。您可以通过修改浏览器设置的方式拒绝接受Cookie。但如果您选择拒绝接受Cookie,则您可能无法登录或使用依赖于Cookie的留联网网络服务或功能。

(c) 通过留联网所设Cookie所取得的有关信息,将适用本政策。

5.2 第三方SDK清单




微信Open SDK

























第三方名称:Google Inc.



收集个人信息类型:设备标识符(Android如IMEI、MEID、OAID、硬件序列号/Serial、ICCID、Android ID、IMSI、iOS如IDFV、IDFA)、IP地址、MAC地址、位置信息(如GPS、蓝牙和基站)、WLAN接入点(如SSID、BSSID)、Wifi列表、设备传感器信息、应用信息、设备信息


















6. 信息安全

(a) 留联网帐号均有安全保护功能,请妥善保管您的用户名及密码信息。留联网将通过对用户密码进行加密等安全措施确保您的信息不丢失,不被滥用和变造。尽管有前述安全措施,但同时也请您注意在信息网络上不存在“完善的安全措施”。

(b) 在使用留联网网络服务进行网上交易时,您不可避免的要向交易对方或潜在的交易对方披露自己的个人信息,如联络方式或者邮政地址。请您妥善保护自己的个人信息,仅在必要的情形下向他人提供。如您发现自己的个人信息泄密,尤其是留联网用户名及密码发生泄露,请您立即联络留联网客服,以便留联网采取相应措施。

7. 注销账号



8. 我们如何处理未成年的个人信息



9. 本隐私政策的更改

(a) 如果决定更改隐私政策,我们会在本政策中、本公司网站中以及我们认为适当的位置发布这些更改,以便您了解我们如何收集、使用您的个人信息,哪些人可以访问这些信息,以及在什么情况下我们会透露这些信息。

(b) 本公司保留随时修改本政策的权利,因此请经常查看。如对本政策作出重大更改,本公司会通过网站通知的形式告知。


10. 如何联系我们


(a) 将您的问题发送至liulian_2024@163.com。


(c) 您也可以通过如下联络方式同我们联系:辽宁省沈阳市于洪区汀江街37-3号(2-23-2),邮政编码:110148

我们将尽快审核所涉问题,并在 15 个工作日或法律法规规定的期限内答复您的请求。


User Privacy Policy(English)

Last revision date: March 05, 2024.

Effective date: March 05, 2024.

Company name: Shenyang Liulian Technology Co., Ltd.

Shenyang Liulian Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "we") respects and protects the personal privacy rights of all service users. In order to provide you with more accurate and personalized services, Durian Technology Inc. will use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy. However, Durian Technology Inc. will treat this information with a high degree of diligence and prudence. Except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy, Durian Technology Inc. will not disclose or provide this information to third parties without your prior permission. Durian Technology Inc. will update this privacy policy from time to time. When you agree to the application service agreement, you are deemed to have agreed to the entire content of this privacy policy. This privacy policy is an integral part of Durian Technology Inc. service use agreement.

1. Scope of application

(a) When you register the account of this application, the personal registration information you provide in accordance with the requirements of this application;

(b) When you use the web services of Durian Technology Inc. or visit the web pages of Durian Technology Inc. platform, the information on your browser and computer that Durian Technology Inc. automatically receives and records, including but not limited to your IP address, browser type, Data such as language used, date and time of access, hardware and software feature information, and web page records you need;

(c) Durian Technology Inc. obtains user personal data from business partners through legal means.

You understand and agree that this Privacy Policy does not apply to the following information:

(a) The keyword information you enter when using the search service provided by Durian Technology Inc. platform;

(b) The relevant information and data collected by Durian Technology Inc. that you publish in this application, including but not limited to participation activities, transaction information and evaluation details;

(c) Violation of the law or violation of the rules of Durian Technology Inc. and the measures Durian Technology Inc. has taken against you.

2. Information use

(a) Durian Technology Inc. will not provide, sell, rent, share or trade your personal information to any unrelated third party, unless you have obtained your permission in advance, or the third party and Durian Technology Inc.(including Durian Technology Inc. affiliates) individually or jointly Provide you with services, and after the service ends, it will be prohibited from accessing all such materials, including those that it had previously been able to access.

(b) Durian Technology Inc. also does not allow any third party to collect, edit, sell, or disseminate your personal information for free by any means. If any user of Durian Technology Inc. platform engages in the above activities, once discovered, Durian Technology Inc. has the right to immediately terminate the service agreement with the user.

(c) For the purpose of serving users, Durian Technology Inc. may use your personal information to provide you with information that is of interest to you, including but not limited to sending you product and service information, or sharing information with the application partners so that they can provide you with information Send information about its products and services (the latter requires your prior consent).

3. Information disclosure

In the following cases, Durian Technology Inc. will disclose your personal information in whole or in part according to your personal wishes or the provisions of the law:

(a) With your prior consent, to third parties;

(b) In order to provide the products and services you have requested, it is necessary to share your personal information with third parties;

(c) Disclosure to third parties or administrative or judicial institutions in accordance with the relevant provisions of the law, or the requirements of administrative or judicial institutions;

(d) If you violate relevant Chinese laws, regulations or Durian Technology Inc. service agreement or related rules, you need to disclose it to a third party;

(e) If you are a qualified intellectual property complainant and have filed a complaint, at the request of the respondent, disclose it to the respondent so that both parties can deal with possible rights disputes;

(f) In a transaction created on Durian Technology Inc. platform, if any party to the transaction fulfills or partially fulfills the transaction obligation and makes a request for information disclosure, the application has the right to decide to provide the user with the contact information of the counterparty of the transaction, etc. information to facilitate the completion of a transaction or the resolution of a dispute.

(g) Other disclosures that Durian Technology Inc. deems appropriate in accordance with laws, regulations or website policies.

4. Information storage and exchange

The information and data about you collected by Durian Technology Inc. will be saved on the servers of Durian Technology Inc. and/or its affiliates, and these information and data may be transmitted to your country, region or outside the location where Durian Technology Inc. collects information and data and in Accessed, stored and displayed abroad.

5. Use of Cookie, third-party SDK list

5.1 Use of Cookie

 (a) If you do not refuse to accept Cookie, the remaining Internet will set up or access Cookie on your computer so that you can log in to or use the services or features of the remaining Internet platform that depend on Cookie. Stay on the Internet to use Cookie to provide you with more thoughtful personalized services, including promotion services.

(b) You have the right to accept or reject Cookie at your option. You can refuse to accept Cookie by modifying your browser settings. However, if you choose to refuse to accept Cookie, you may not be able to log in or use retained network services or features that depend on Cookie.

(c) This policy shall apply to the relevant information obtained through the Cookie established on the remaining Internet.


5.2 Third-party SDK list

In order to ensure the stable operation of the remaining network or to achieve related functions, we may access the software development kit (SDK) provided by a third party to achieve the above purpose.

We will strictly review the SDK of personal information obtained by our partners in order to protect your personal information. The relevant third-party SDKs we access are listed in the following directory. You can view third-party data usage and protection rules through the relevant links. Please note that the type of personal information processing of third-party SDK may change due to version upgrade, policy adjustment, etc., please follow the official instructions made public.


WeChat Open SDK

Third party name: Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd.

Purpose of use: Login, Share

Usage scenario: Used when users log in and share on WeChat

Type of personal information collection: device information (OAID, IDFV, operating system information, device model information)

Collection method: SDK native collection, not involving data sharing

Privacy Policy: https://support.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/mmsupportacctnodeweb-bin/pages/RYiYJkLOrQwu0nb8


SMS authentication SDK

Third party name: Alibaba Cloud Computing (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

Purpose of use: To achieve one click login and authentication through SMS verification

Usage scenario: Used when users use SMS authentication for one click login and authentication

Type of personal information collection: device name, device model, system version

Collection method: SDK native collection, not involving data sharing

Privacy Policy: https://terms.alicdn.com/legal-agreement/terms/privacy_policy_full/20230922101800634/20230922101800634.html


Push message push SDK

Third party name: Zhejiang Daily Interactive Network Technology Co., Ltd.

Purpose of use: To achieve message push

Usage scenario: Push messages to users

Collect personal information types: device platform, device manufacturer, device brand, device model and system version, device Wi Fi information, WIFI connection information, operator information, device identification codes (IDFA, IDFV), IP address, base station information, installed application list, MAC address, Android_ID, OAID

Privacy Policy: https://www.getui.com/privacy


Google Maps SDK

Third party name: Google Inc.

Purpose of use: To achieve localization/display of maps

Usage scenario: Used when users use the positioning function and view the location of institutions

Type of personal information collection: device identifier (Android such as IMEI, MEID, OAID, hardware serial number/Serial, ICCID, Android ID, IMSI, iOS such as IDFV, IDFA), IP address, MAC address, location information (such as GPS, Bluetooth, and base station), WLAN access point (such as SSID, BSSID), WiFi list, device sensor information, application information, and device information

Collection method: SDK native collection, not involving data sharing

Privacy Policy: https://policies.google.cn/privacy

Mobile intelligent terminal supplementary device identification system unified call SDK

Third party name: China Academy of Information and Communications Technology

Purpose of use: To determine the terminal brand and call the interface

Usage scenario: Obtain unique device identification

Collect personal information type: OAID

Collection method: SDK native collection, not involving data sharing

Privacy Policy: http://www.msa-alliance.cn/col.jsp?id=122

Weex language support

Third party name: misakuo_ individual

Purpose of use: To achieve copy/paste/cut

Usage scenario: When users use the clipboard function

Type of personal information collection: clipboard

Collection method: SDK native collection, not involving data sharing

Privacy Policy: https://github.com/misakuo/weex-language-support

6. Information security

(a) This app account has security protection functions, please keep your username and password information properly. Durian Technology Inc. will ensure that your information is not lost, abused, and altered by encrypting user passwords and other security measures. Despite the aforementioned security measures, please note that there are no "perfect security measures" on the information network.

(b) When using Durian Technology Inc. network service to conduct online transactions, you will inevitably disclose your personal information, such as contact information or postal address, to the counterparty or potential counterparty. Please properly protect your personal information and only provide it to others when necessary. If you find that your personal information is leaked, especially the username and password of the app, please contact the customer service of the app immediately so that the app can take corresponding measures.

7. Cancel the account

You can log out your remaining Internet account by e-mail, platform email address: liulian_2024@163.com. 

After you cancel your remaining network account, we will stop providing you with products or services, and process your personal information through anonymization or other means in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, or delete the personal information related to your account, unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations or regulatory authorities on the storage time of user information.

8. How do we deal with underage personal information

We attach great importance to the protection of personal information of minors.

According to relevant laws and regulations, if you are a minor under the age of 14, we require you to ask your parents or other guardians to read this privacy policy carefully before using the remaining Internet services. and use our services or provide us with information with the consent of your parents or other guardians.

If you are the parent or other guardian of a minor, please pay attention to whether your minor uses our service after obtaining your authorized consent.

If you have any questions about the personal information of minors, please contact us through [my]-[service hotline] on the Internet.

9. Changes to this Privacy Policy

(a) If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post these changes in this policy, on our website and where we deem appropriate, so that you can understand how we collect and use your personal information, who has access to it, and under what circumstances we disclose it. 

(b) The company reserves the right to change this policy at any time, so please check it frequently. If any major changes are made to this policy, we will inform you through a notice on the website. 

Party discloses his personal information, such as contact information or postal address. Please protect your personal information properly and provide it to others only if necessary. If you find that your personal information is leaked, especially the user name and password of the stay network, please contact the stay network customer service immediately so that you can take corresponding measures.

10. How to contact us

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about the contents of this Privacy Policy, you can contact us in the following ways:

(a) Send your question to liulian_2024@163.com.

(b) Feedback your suggestions on staying on the Internet and the problems encountered in the use of the Internet through [my]-[complaint suggestions] in the stay network, so as to help us optimize the features and services of our products and services, so as to make it easier for more users to use our products and services.

(c) You can also contact us through the following contact information: 37-3 (2-23-2), Tingjiang Street, Yuhong District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, postcode: 110148.

We will review the issues involved as soon as possible and reply to your request within 15 working days or within the time limit stipulated by laws and regulations.

If you are not satisfied with our reply, especially if you think that our personal information processing has harmed your legitimate rights and interests, you can also seek a solution by bringing an action in a court with jurisdiction in the defendant's domicile.